Quick Color Prints Full Bleed Requirements:
Full Bleed Printing:
Full bleed printing means that the printed image goes all the way to the edge of the page. This is in contrast to standard printing which has an approx 1/4 inch border around the printed image. Full bleed printing is a 2 step process. The 1st step has to do with the set up of the document. The 2nd step is handled by print production.
It is the job of the graphic artist/designer to set up the document to what is usual and customary standards for the print industry. We will attempt in this document to offer instructions explaining the proper "setup" and why this is necessary.
Full bleed printing requires the size of the printed area to go approx 1/4 inch beyond the dimensions of the finished product. This is because the full bleed effect is achieved by the printer trimming away the outside border of the print at the "crop marks". If your printing contains graphics, images or colors that go right to the edge of the page, your design must include a bleed. Bleed refers to printing images or graphics that extend beyond the edge of the paper that gets trimmed off. In other words, these graphic elements "bleed off the page". If your design includes graphics that go to the edge of the page, Quickcolorprints.com requires you to extend these graphic elements to a minimum of 0.25" or 1/4 of an inch beyond the final size of the printed piece.
Content Margins:
When designing your printed piece, a text/content margin of .25" (1/4th inch) must be applied within the final size. The box that is created after .25" margins are applied is your content margin. This represents a safety zone where important elements such as text or logos or any elements that must be retained in the final product, after trimming, should be placed.